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RECIPE: Saag Aloo with Not Your Nana's Piccalilli Kraut

Madi (RNutr)

Saag aloo, pakora, raita, not your nana's piccalilli kraut

If you've never had Saag Aloo man you've been missing out. My family always gets this as a side with an Indian takeaway but I really love cooking it too! This is a Punjabi dish with saag meaning spinach and aloo meaning potato so you can probably guess what's in it.

Our Not Your Nana's Piccalilli Kraut is the perfect accompaniment to this, as the sour, mustardy, turmericy-ness (yes, this is a word) goes great with the spices in this dish. In the picture above we had it as a side dish with veggie pakoras, coconut cauliflower leaves and raita (cucumber, mint yoghurt dip) but Saag Aloo makes a mean, mid-week main dish with minimal prep and washing up!

Ingredients (serves 2 as main meal or 4 as a side dish)

2tbsp x rapeseed oil

1 x onion, finely chopped

2 x garlic cloves, crushed

1 x inch fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped

3 x medium potatoes, cut into 2cm chunks

1 x red or green chilli, finely chopped

1tsp x cumin seeds (or 1/2tsp ground cumin)

1tsp x black mustard seeds

1/2tsp x ground turmeric

1/4tsp salt

250g x baby spinach


1. Heat the rapeseed oil in a large, wide pan over a medium heat and when hot add the onions, sweating for a couple of minutes. Then add the garlic and ginger, cooking for a further 2 minutes.

2. Add the potatoes, spices, chilli and salt mixing thoroughly and cooking for a few minutes more.

Saag aloo with not your nana's piccalilli kraut

3. Next add 100ml water to the pan and cover, steaming for between 15-20 minutes (you might need to add a touch more water if it starts to stick!).

4. When the potatoes are soft (sometimes they can take a bit longer to cook) add the spinach to the pan and stir until wilted.

5. Remove from the heat and serve topped with a general helping of Not Your Nana's Piccalilli Kraut and whatever delicious sides, chutneys, rice dishes or salads you wish!

Not Your Nana's Piccalilli Kraut with saag aloo, pakoras and raita

Had a go? Let us know!! @craftypickleco on Instagram and Facebook

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